HO-LY CRAP. Why hasn’t this been shared all over the place? I cannot believe this is the first time I’m seeing this. This should be spread far and wide.
Next time you see her spinning some bullshit for the administration, remember this. This is all within the last year.
We are the world’s ONLY superpower. We are rich beyond the imagination of half of the globe. We have a moral responsibility to take in these people, 50% of whom are children. Don’t give me your bullshit about safety, these are the most screened refugees we have entering our country.
Omran Daqneesh, Aleppo, Syria
There is no fully-informed, fact-based argument against allowing them in that is not rooted in selfishness and/or racism.
I’ve been listening to the Throwing Shade podcast with Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi for a few years now after falling in love with Bryan’s “That’s Gay” segments on the show infoMania on the former Current TV. The show summarizes itself as “taking a weekly look at all the issues important to ladies and gays… and treating them with much less respect than they deserve.” It’s hilarious while also focusing attention on important issues in our culture.
The great news is now they’re branching out into late-night TV! The show will be on TV Land, but unfortunately we’ll have to wait until early 2017 to see it. I’m greatly looking forward to it, and I really hope they keep the same incredibly inappropriate edge they have in the podcast.
While Lady GaGa is known for her theatrics, I can’t get past the fantastic message of her new song “Born This Way”. Check out this awesome cover by Sam Tsui.
First off, this post has nothing to do with that title. I just felt like saying it.
I think it would be fascinating to know what percentage of blog posts around the world involve the author talking about or apologizing for how long it has been since their last post. Usually those posts are the last posts for 8 months or so. Considering this phenomenon, I won’t do the same. We’ll just pretend this is my third post this week.
Looking back over my last several posts I’ve realized I like to talk about heavy stuff. So, I’ll break with tradition and post the music video for the song I’m listening to on repeat right now:
Alright, so I do admit that I had not actually watched that video before I just found it to post. The video is trippy, but it’s a good song. I’ll probably hate it in a week, but for now we’ll enjoy it together.
Now that the in-blog entertainment is complete I’m supposed to ramble about what is going on in my life. I personally feel that this sort of blog post is incredibly boring, but people keep telling me to talk about myself.
So, let’s see, the spring semester is nearing it’s end and I couldn’t be happier. I’m in Human Biology, English 1010 (yeah, I know, don’t ask), Social Work – Intro to Agency Experience, Intro to Music (I attended the Colorado Symphony Orchestra last week, great time), and World Wide Web, Internet & Beyond (There’s nothing wrong with wanting an easy A).
I’m still a Sophomore, which is just embarrassing. Even more embarrassing is that spell check has to correct “embarrassing” every time that I type it, including in this sentence. Two R’s, two R’s, two R’s.
In other news, I’m moving to a new apartment at the end of the month. How exciting is that to anyone reading this blog? Not at all.
In other, other news, I’m looking for a job. Anything really. I currently get paid in styrofoam peanuts and jelly beans at my current job at Metropolitan State College of Denver. My new landlord won’t accept either of those as payment for my rent. So, if you know of anyone hiring, especially if it will make me rich and famous, please let me know.
There you go, that’s about as much ridiculously self-important, narcissistic posting as I can handle for one night. See you next year. Just kidding. Probably.
Just a short post today to say that I love Modern Family on ABC! It’s my favorite new show, and along with Brothers & Sisters makes up some of the best TV out there. Here’s an example of why:
Any other fans out there? Be sure to check out the behind the scenes clips on Hulu, they’re great.
I just happened upon this video and it’s very fitting when considering my previous post. We must work harder to create safe havens for LGBT individuals around the world, until that day when all people are loved, accepted, and safe in their home.
I’ve been haunted lately by the images of teenagers Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni as they wept and waited for their execution, pleading for their lives. There are questions about their case, and whether or not they were executed for their consensual homosexual acts or not, but regardless, hundreds of people are executed in Iran and other places for simply being who they are.
There are people and organizations working to make change around the world. Please consider joining up with Amnesty International and making a recurring donation. When atrocities like these and in many other categories appear around the globe Amnesty is always there fighting for justice, peace, and human rights. I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Amnesty International, and if I’m lucky maybe someday I will work for them.