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NASA TV & The Lesbians

So I just watched the space shuttle Endeavor dock with the International Space Station on NASA TV. I’m pretty impressed. Besides, watching the lesbian commander bounce around inside the ISS is the highlight of my night. I’m not sure what that says about my night, but it is what it is.

It’s pretty interesting, you should check it out. It’s like Big Brother: Science Edition.

EDIT: I looked her up on Wikipedia, and despite my friend saying the lesbians were taking over NASA after seeing her, she is not a lesbian. She is married. She is really cool and fun to watch…but not a lesbian, though she does kinda look like Ellen.


Peggy Whitson

Music Videos

Josiah Leming

You have to check this kid out, he’s fantastic and his story is great!


Things I Love

Things I Love

So I’ve decided to do posts on things I love, and add them to the Things I Love page. I figure this is a good way for everyone(my massive audience) to get to know me better and to make use of the “Page” function of WordPress.

So the first thing I love:

Get Firefox

Oh, Firefox, what’s there to say that hasn’t already been said? Not that much. Just get Firefox, okay? The extensions and themes alone make it worth the jump from Internet Explorer. I cannot imagine not having all of my glorious extensions(13 at the time of this post). Just give it a try, you’ll love it.



The second thing I love:





So, yes, I live in Colorado but this is purely by my choice and initiative. I moved to Colorado in October of 2004. I am in love with this place. I started out in Fort Collins, then Denver, then Centennial and now I’m back in Denver. I see myself staying here for a while, I love having the city and nature all so close together. I think everyone should visit here at least once.


Hello WordPress

Well, it is official.  I am moving to WordPress.  Vox is simply not open enough.  I couldn't use any blog writer, and I really wanted to use Windows Live Writer.  Now I'm using Windows Live Writer and it's excellent.  I'm really loving WordPress, come check me out sometime.

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Random Software

I Remember!

Ah Ha! Now I remember why I switched. It was right under my nose, and so obvious that it’s embarrassing. I became tired of how closed Vox was. I couldn’t use programs like Windows Live Writer! I even posted about the program in my second post! Unbelievable.

Random Software

Testing Windows Live Writer

I’m testing out Windows Live Writer so you can basically ignore this post. This sure does make blogging super convenient. We shall see!

My Camry


Another Day, Another Blog

Well, I’ve moved from Vox to here, but unfortunately won’t import my Vox blog. Hopefully when I move all of this to my own domain and my own host with my own WordPress installed I can do that, as it seems Leo Laporte was able to.

I’m going to fool around with this and see what kinds of cool stuff I can do. At the moment I’m forgetting why I switched, but I am sure I’ll remember soon.


Helio Hijinks

Okay, so one of my employees brought a little amp to work a few months ago for some work function that never panned out.  It's been sitting under a counter in our store ever since.  I've asked and then told him to take it home at least twice a week for months now, and he hasn't.  So tonight, his day off, I grabbed some packing tape and taped it to his locker.  Now, I know he won't miss it.  Here are the pictures for your enjoyment:

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It's very strange, I was going through my wishlist I have online on, and I have a book on there that I loved when I was a teenager.  I looked up the author on Wikipedia, which made me think of another author, my favorite author from my teenage years, so I looked her up.  It's not the first time I looked her up, but it's been a few years. 

Sadly she passed away in 2004, I had no idea.  Paula Danziger, I don't think I'll ever forget her name, even when I'm old and gray and reading large print.  :)  She was 59, pretty sad, but amazingly(unlike my other favorite childhood authors) she was still writing and all of her books were still in print.  I only read a few of her books, but my favorite was "This Place Has No Atmosphere".  It's been forever, perhaps I'll re-read it for fun.

Anyway, just a note, mostly for myself.  Mourning the loss, over 3 years late, of an author that helped my imagination grow and put a smile on my face as I'd lay in bed all hours of the night during summer break reading with my booklight, hoping I could finish the book before the batteries died.

Thanks Paula.

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Overrated.  Only if you don't have family around, I guess.  Friends are help too.  I did nothing today.  Slept and ate a frozen dinner.  It was unbelievably depressing.  Horrible, horrible day.

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