I walked yesterday in the Second Wind Fund Denver Dash to raise money for suicide prevention. This was my 5th year participating and as always it was a great experience. I walked in memory of Dustin Council and Jesse DeRouen.

I’m extremely grateful to my friend Jamie for joining me. Usually I manage to get together a larger group, but I didn’t have much time to focus on it this time, with my 12 hour treatment days. I am always torn at the event between feeling the loss deeply and being an emotional mess or enjoying having so many friends and loves ones around supporting me and the cause. It’s an interesting and intense jumble of emotions.

I’m missing both Jesse and Dustin terribly, but I’m doing my best to remain focused on my treatment and my recovery. Incredibly grateful to my friends here at ERC and my friends outside of program. If there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that I can’t do this alone. Thank you all.